Rooibos Tea and Its Benefits - Mosi Tea

Rooibos Tea and Its Benefits

At Mosi Tea, we knew we had to include rooibos tea in our lineup of quality loose leaf teas. This caffeine free tea is known for its distinct lightly sweet, floral taste and the various health benefits that it has to offer.

Like most herbal infusions, rooibos tea is a caffeine free option with many health benefits. Throughout the years, rooibos tea has also been developed as a useful tool for culinary purposes. 

Rooibos tea is exclusively grown in South Africa and is exported to 30 countries. Today, it has become one of the most popular types of tea for those who enjoy a naturally sweet, caffeine free blend. If you are looking to learn more about rooibos tea, read on!

What is Rooibos Tea?

loose leaf rooibos tea


Despite being called a type of tea, rooibos (pronounced roy boss) doesn’t fit the traditional definition of the beverage. To be considered a tea, it must be sourced from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Rooibos actually originates from the South African plant Aspalathus Linearis. This plant was discovered over 300 years ago by the Khoisan tribe or Bushmen, who used the plants as a cure for common ailments and wounds.

Rooibos tea was popularized as a tea when European botanist Carl Thunberg visited South Africa in 1722. He noted how the Khoisan gathered the aspalathus linearis plants and developed an interest in using them to make tea. Today, rooibos tea remains abundant in Cederberg, South Africa. The natives harvest these plants and export them to different parts of South Africa, along with several other regions globally. Rooibos tea only flourishes on Cederberg, making it a known delicacy that South African locals can take pride in.

The Aspalathus Linearis plant also contributes to the unique caramel color of rooibos, lending it the colloquial name "red tea."

Taste of Rooibos

rooibos tea cup

Rooibos has a sweet and natural taste with an earthy edge. The longer you brew it, the more rich, nutty, and earthy it becomes. Its unique sweet and smoky blend is often compared to Hibiscus tea and Tobacco, with light notes of caramel and vanilla.

One thing that makes rooibos tea special is that it tastes significantly less bitter than most kinds of tea. This is because the plant it is sourced from, Aspalathus Linearis, contains a low supply of Tannins, which is what make other varieties of tea taste bitter.

Rooibos tea's sweet and smooth texture makes it a great base for many beverages. It is often enjoyed as a caffeine free alternative to black tea, as it mixes well with milk, chocolate, spices, and even herbs like lavender. Rooibos tea is one of the most versatile kinds of tea, perfect to experiment with in different blends and concoctions. 

Powerful Ingredients in Rooibos

The health benefits of rooibos tea can all be enjoyed thanks to its list of powerful ingredients. It contains high levels of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, alpha hydroxyl acid, and zinc. It is also composed of many types of antioxidants, such as aspalathin. This is responsible for many of the health benefits of rooibos, including its anti-inflammatory properties and support against heart disease and diabetes.

Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

Rooibos has always excelled in serving its purpose. In ancient times, the Khoisan tribe used it to cure their wounds and treat sickness among their people. The discovery of rooibos tea 300 years ago has provided us with a delicious beverage that satisfies our sweet tooth while taking care of our health.

There are several health benefits that come with drinking rooibos tea, but here are a few of its main advantages.

Rooibos Tea's Skin Care Benefits

Tea is probably not the first thing to come to mind when you think of skincare. But surprisingly, our favorite red tea is loaded with ingredients that may help your skin from the inside out.

One of the main ingredients found in rooibos tea is Alpha Hydroxy Acid, which offers a lot of rejuvenating properties for the skin. It also contains zinc, a common ingredient found in most eczema and acne treatments. Another important ingredient in rooibos tea is superoxide dismutase, a type of enzyme that aids in the production of healthy skin cells.

The results of a clinical study show that rooibos tea managed to display 10% more improvement in treating wrinkles. A few cups of rooibos tea a week could help soothe irritation, produce even-toned skin, and slow down the aging process of your skin.

Rooibos Tea with Diabetes

Aside from being the perfect naturally sweet substitute for your favorite sugary drink, rooibos tea can treat and even prevent diabetes from occurring. This was proven through research that was conducted by an animal study in Tokyo. The results of the study found that rooibos tea contained the antioxidant aspalathin, which is one of the ingredients that help in treating Type 2 Diabetes. Rooibos is the only known natural source of aspalathin.

In the study, consuming rooibos tea managed to keep the diabetic subject’s blood sugar levels at bay and increase their glucose tolerance. It does not work as a direct cure but aims to provide sufficient support for the body to decrease insulin resistance. The test subjects also displayed changes in their genes, which showed a lower risk of developing diabetes through hereditary means.

Rooibos Tea and Digestion

Consuming rooibos tea can help alleviate all digestive issues. Many of the ingredients in the tea are antispasmodic, which helps reduce or treat an upset stomach. A study published in the Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Journal demonstrates that the quercetin, orientin and vitexin found in rooibos tea help ease the digestive system and relieve feelings of discomfort. This same study demonstrates that tannins in rooibos tea, though lower than other types of tea, have the potential to reduce symptoms of diarrhea.

Studies about the benefits of rooibos tea are still being developed, but existing research indicates that drinking rooibos tea may be help aid digestion.

Rooibos as an Antihistamine

Another health benefit that rooibos tea offers is a treatment for your allergies. The main culprit in triggering allergies is Histamine, which is released from mast cells. Drinking this tea counters or blocks the production of Histamine through its ingredient, Quercetin. Quercetin plugs the mast cells, preventing an allergic reaction from occurring.

It can also be used to treat Asthma or Allergic Rhinitis. Rooibos tea contains chrysoeriol, which is a flavonoid found in the blend, used to treat wheezing and coughing. 

Rooibos and Heart Health

Aside from treating symptoms caused by asthma, chrysoeriol also provides support for your heart by lowering or regulating blood pressure. Rooibos tea’s anti-inflammatory properties, due to its high flavonol content, also provide support for the heart by making sure it does not get inflamed, maintaining a steady flow of blood to the heart. Drinking rooibos has also been show to inhibit the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which causes blood vessels to contract and blood pressure to rise.

Aspalathin also offers cardiovascular benefits. Although it is mainly used as a treatment for diabetes, it can also combat the risk of heart attacks and other diseases. This is because it can regulate hormones, which may help prevent hypertension from occurring.

How to Brew Rooibos Tea

portable tea infuser

Rooibos tea is prepared like any other kind of tea! You can also add your personal twist to the drink by adding other ingredients, such as herbs, spices, or different kinds of milk. An innovative concoction made in South Africa has even used the tea in creating the first-ever espresso tea called the ‘Red Cappucino.’

However, if you prefer to enjoy your rooibos tea on its own or on-the-go, then this is how to prepare it using Mosi's portable tea infuser:

1.   Fill the sieve with 1 teaspoon of Rooibos Lavender tea.

2.  Pour 8 ounces of boiling water into your infuser through the spout. Filtered and pure water are the best options for achieving the most optimal taste.

3.    Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down.⁠ Steep and enjoy! For best results, steep your rooibos for up to 10 minutes before consuming it.

4.    Keep your tea leaves in the best condition by adding them to an airtight container. This preserves their distinctive aroma and flavor.

Mosi's Rooibos Lavender

rooibos lavender tea

Mosi's Rooibos Lavender combines authentic mountain-picked South African rooibos from Cederberg with the warm, floral flavor and many health benefits of lavender. Lavender is often used to help with sleep and stress, making it the perfect soothing pair to this caffeine free tea. We source our lavender from France to ensure the highest quality drinking experience.

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