Why Is Green Tea Healthy? - Mosi Tea

Why Is Green Tea Healthy?

There's a reason that green tea makes you think of the yogi-meditating-morning-routine friend in your life. This incredibly popular beverage also happens to be one of the healthiest you can drink, and luckily, it's also easy to prepare and consume in your daily life.

In this blog, we'll unpack the main health benefits of green tea. We will also share some of our favorite ways to drink green tea, and how to best prepare green tea to enjoy in your daily routine.



Green Tea

Main Health Benefits of Green Tea

Throughout history, green tea has been used as medicine. Starting as early as 2737 BC, green tea was recorded as a health beverage, mostly utilized by the wealthy elite. Since then, green tea has become increasingly popular throughout the world for both its incredible health benefits and taste.

Here are just a few of the amazing health benefits green tea boasts:


Green Tea is Packed with Antioxidants

Among green tea's best qualities is its antioxidant-richness. Green tea is packed with polyphenols, which are a kind of antioxidants specifically known to be anti-inflammatory and help prevent cancer. Green tea also contains catechins, which are also known to help prevent the spread of free radicals in the body and prevent cell damage.

One of the most powerful antioxidants found in green tea is EGCG, which has been shown to prevent a plethora of diseases, and even help treat cancer by preventing the spread of cancerous cells.

Green tea's antioxidants are specifically linked with reducing the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. Several studies have shown green tea's direct impact on these cancers.


Green Tea May Improve Brain Function

There are several compounds in green tea known to help improve your cognitive function. For starters, green tea contains caffeine. While it doesn't contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, green tea's caffeine contents still increase the firing of neurons.

A cup of green tea also contains l theanine, an amino acid that increases GABA activity. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps reduce anxiety and increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain.

The combination of anxiety-reducing l theanine and a small kick of caffeine provides a concentrated burst of energy without the typical crash associated with coffee consumption. Drinking green tea is known to provide a stable, focused energy boost that can help increase productivity.


Green Tea May Prevent Cardiovascular disease

Thanks to green tea's antioxidant content, it is known to be a powerful preventer of cardiovascular diseases. The main risk factor of these diseases are high LDL cholesterol levels, which green tea helps prevent. Because green tea increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, LDL particles are prevented from oxidizing.

Studies have shown that people who drink tea regularly have a 31% reduced risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease.


Green Tea May Prevent Neurodegenerative Disease

We already know that green tea can help your brain function on the day you drink it--but it turns out it can also help your brain in the long term. Green tea has been linked with lowering the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia. This is also thanks to green tea's antioxidant contents.


Green Tea May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by insulin resistance. Several studies have shown that green tea is not only helpful in reducing blood sugar levels, but it also may improve insulin sensitivity to help prevent diabetes.


Green Tea May Aid in Weight Loss

Green tea has been linked with increased fat burning and a boosted metabolism. Recent studies have shown both the increased calorie burning effects and fat oxidizing effects of green tea.

This is why green tea is often an ingredient in fat burning supplements--its ties to boosting metabolism and burning excess calories make green tea a great supplement for those looking to lose weight. Several studies have shown that green tea is especially powerful in reducing abdominal (belly) fat, which is often a stubborn area in weight loss.

At the same time, the caffeine content in green tea makes it a great boost for athletic performance. If you are looking to get a great workout in, consider adding green tea to your preworkout routine to increase calories burned during the workout.


Green Tea May Prevent Stroke

A major study in Japan over the course of 13 years studied over 82,000 participants, some of whom drank four cups of green tea per day. These participants saw the greatest reduction in their risk of stroke.



Green Tea

How to Enjoy Green Tea

There are many ways to enjoy this healthful beverage. Whether you're a latte fiend or love a refreshing, iced beverage to kick off your summer mornings, there is a green tea option for you. Here are a few of our favorite ways to enjoy green tea:


A Simple Hot Cup of Green Tea

Ingredients Directions
  1. Fill sieve with 2g (about a teaspoon)
  2. Pour water into your Mosi All-in-One infuser through the spout.
  3. Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down for 2-4 minutes.⁠
  4. Enjoy!


Iced Strawberry Vanilla Matcha Latte

Iced Strawberry Vanilla Matcha Latte


  • 1 tsp Mosi Vanilla Matcha tea
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/3 cup whole milk
  • 1/3 cup chopped strawberries (mashed if preferred)
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • ice cubes

Tools + Equipment


STEP 1: Fill the matcha sieve with Mosi Vanilla Matcha tea and secure it to the infuser lid.

STEP 2: Pour water (about 185 degrees which has small boiling bubbles) into your infuser through the spout.

STEP 3: Attach the lid, switch up the lock and shake until combined (getting it nice and foamy), about 15-30 seconds. Let the tea sit for 15 minutes or until it is cooled off.

STEP 4: Meanwhile mash the strawberries and sugar with a fork (or blend in a blender if using frozen ones).

STEP 5: Add ice cubes, mashed strawberries, sweetener, and milk to a glass.

STEP 6: Pour the tea into a glass, stir and enjoy!⁠

Note: This recipe is best enjoyed cold/over ice. Please be aware you should not pour boiling hot water into a glass as it can break — wait until your tea is cooled off before adding it to a glass!


Lemon Basil Green Mint Iced Tea


Tools + Equipment


STEP 1: Fill the silicone sieve with Mosi Green Mint tea and secure it to the infuser lid.

STEP 2: Pour water (about 185 degrees which has small boiling bubbles) into your infuser through the spout.

STEP 3: Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down for 2-4 minutes.⁠ Flip over and let the tea sit for 15 minutes or until it is cooled off.

STEP 4: Meanwhile, add ice cubes, lemon slice, fresh basil leaves, and sweetener to a glass.

STEP 5: Pour the tea into a glass, stir and enjoy!⁠

Note: This recipe is best enjoyed cold/over ice. Please be aware you should not pour boiling hot water into a glass as it can break — wait until your tea is cooled off before adding it to a glass!


Green Chamomile Tea Limeade

Green Chamomile Tea Limeade


Tools + Equipment

  • Mosi All-in-One infuser to combine all the ingredients easily
  • Measuring spoons
  • Measuring cup
  • Citrus juicer to squeeze the lime juice, optional
  • Shot glass


STEP 1: Fill the silicone sieve with Mosi Green Chamomile tea and secure it to the infuser lid.

STEP 2: Pour water (about 185 degrees which has small boiling bubbles) into your infuser through the spout.

STEP 3: Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down for 2-4 minutes.⁠ Flip over and let the tea sit for 15 minutes or until it is cooled off.

STEP 4: Meanwhile, add ice cubes, sugar, lime wedges, and lime juice to a glass.

STEP 5: Pour the tea into a glass, stir and enjoy!⁠

Note: This recipe is best enjoyed cold/over ice. Please be aware you should not pour boiling hot water into a glass as it can break — wait until your tea is cooled off before adding it to a glass!


Key Lime Pie Green Mint Smoothie


  • 1 tsp Mosi Green Mint Tea
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1/2 banana sliced and frozen
  • 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/8 cup lime juice
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp finely grated lime zest
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract ice cubes (optional)
  • spinach (optional)

Tools + Equipment


STEP 1: Fill the silicone sieve with Mosi Green Mint tea and secure it to the infuser lid.

STEP 2: Pour water (about 206°F which has small boiling bubbles) into your infuser through the spout.

STEP 3: Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down for 2-4 minutes.⁠ Flip over and let the tea sit for 15 minutes or until it is cooled off.

STEP 4: Add all ingredients to blender then pour steeped tea. Blend until smooth.

STEP 5: Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy!⁠




Whether you're looking to enjoy some of the many health benefits of green tea, or just want a refreshing beverage this summer, drinking green tea is a great option for you. Green tea consumption is associated with reduced cancer risk, improved heart health, increased metabolism, and so much more.

At Mosi, we offer three different kinds of green tea to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you love a refreshing mint tea, relaxing chamomile tea or frothy matcha latte, we have an option for you to enjoy. Check our out range of green teas here and start enjoying the many benefits of drinking green tea.
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