Sweet Adeline Pomegranate Morning Black Tea - Mosi Tea

Sweet Adeline Pomegranate Morning Black Tea

Sweet Adeline Pomegranate Morning Black Tea


Tools + Equipment


STEP 1:  Fill the sieve with Mosi Morning Black tea and secure it to the lid.

STEP 2: Add pomegranate juice, cinnamon stick and cinnamon syrup to the infuser and attach the lid to the infuser.

STEP 3: Pour boiling water into your infuser through the spout.

STEP 4: Attach the lid, switch up the lock, and flip the infuser upside down.⁠ Steep for 4 minutes.

STEP 5: Flip it right side up and enjoy!⁠


Photo credit: Christina Soong, hungryaustrailian.com
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